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Excited About the Gospel

If you've ever read the Book of Mormon and been frustrated because you didn't understand it, this podcast is for you. Help you better understand the Book of Mormon by listening to this podcast.

Dec 29, 2024

There was an Apostasy and Christ restored His Church on the earth. That gives us all a significant obligation! We look at Bible verses about the Apostasy and promised restoration as well as quotes from Chuch leaders to show us what we need to do because there was a restoration.

Jason Harwood was a seminary and institute...

Dec 22, 2024

We have a God that listens and answers, how exciting is that! We are invited, exhorted, and commanded to reach out to God with the promise that He will be found!

Jason Harwood was a seminary and institute teacher and is an EFY, FSY, and BYU Education Week instructor.


Moroni 10:3-5

James 1:5


Dec 10, 2024

Mental health and faith in the Lord. Eric Collett shows us the Gospel principles that have been around for years that can bring health and power into our lives today! 

Plus some tips on how to help teens in this difficult time to stay both mentally and spiritually strong!

Find out more about Eric...

Dec 8, 2024

How do we know what to do? How do we know if we are being led by the Spirit? How do we know if it is us thinking or the Spirit directing us? 

We use the Book or Mormon, Bible, and modern Church leaders to get some answers!


Jason Harwood was a seminary and institute teacher and an EFY, FSY, and BYU Education Week...

Dec 2, 2024

Why do we go to Church and need the organization? Moroni shares 3 things that we all need from being a part of the Church.

Jason Harwood was a seminary and institute teacher and an EFY, FSY, and BYU Education Week instructor.